segunda-feira, 9 de outubro de 2023

False cognates between English (USA) and Portuguese (BR)

Falses cognates between English (USA) and Portuguese (BR)

Cognatos Parecer ser O que de fato é
Actual Atual Real, Verdadeiro
Actually Atualmente De fato, realmente
Affluent Afluente Rico
Agenda Agenda Programação
Alms Alma Esmola
Alumns, alumni Aluno Ex-alunos
Anthem Antena Hino Nacional
Aplication Aplicação Inscrição
Argument Argumento Discussão
Assalt Assalto Ataque
Atend Atender Frequentar, comparecer
Attire Atirar Traje, vestimenta
Avocado Advogado Abacate
Balance Balança Equilíbrio
Balcony Balcão Sacada
Beef Bife Carne bovina
Braces Braços Aparelho dentário
Cargo Cargo Carga
Casual Casual Informal
Chef Chefe Chefe de cozinha
China China (País> Porcelana
Cigar Cigarro Charuto
Collar Colar Gola, coleira
College Colégio Faculdade
Comprehensive Compreensivo Abrangente
Content Contente Conteúdo
Costum Costume Fantasia
Convict Convicto Réu, condenado
Curse Curso Maldição, xingamento
Dairy Diário Laticínio
Deception Decepção Engano
Degree Degrau Fornação universitária
Dent Dente Marca de batida
Directory Diretoria Lista de telefone
Disgust Desgosto Nojo
Doze Doze Cochilar
Education Educação Formação escolar
Enroll Enrolar Matricular
Estate Estado Bem imóvel, casa
Estimate Estimar Projeto, cálculo
Eventually Eventualmente Finalmente
Exit Êxito Saída
Exquisite Esquisito Refinado
Fabric Fábrica Tecido
Facilites Facilidade Dependência
Fate Fato Destino
Figure Figura Número
File Fila Arquivo
Gem Gema (ovo) Pedra preciosa
Gratuity Gratuito Gratificação
Grip Gripe Segurar firme
Hazard Azar Perigo
Hostage Hóspede Refém
Idioms Idiomas Expressão idiomática
Large Largo Grande
Legend Legenda Lenda
Lecture Leitura Aula, palestra
Library Livraria Biblioteca
Lunch Lanche Almoço
Mascara Máscara Rímel (olhos)
Mate Matar Colega, companheiro
Miserable Miserável Infeliz
Motto Moto Lema
Ordeal Ordenar Experiência difícil
Parent Parente Pai, Mãe, Pais
Particular Particular Especial
Passage Passagem Texto
Pasta Pasta Massa
Pension Pensão Aposentadoria
Policy Polícia Política (relativo a alguma coisa)
Prejudice Prejuízo Preconceito
Preservative Preservativo Conservante
Pretend Pretender Fingir
Principal Principal Diretor Escolar
Push Puxar Empurrar
Realize Realizar Perceber
Recipient Recipiente Recebedor
Regime Regime alimentar Regime político
Resume Resumir Reiniciar
Retirad Retirado Aposentado
Rim Rim Borda
Rob Roubar Assaltar
Sensible Sensível Sensato
Shoot Chutar Atirar
Sign Sinal Assinar o nome
Signature Assinatura (revista) Assinatura (assinar o nome)

Significado da palavra que parece com o cognato.

Português Inglês
Atual Current
Atualmente Currently, nowadays
Afluente (rio) Tributary
Agenda Organizer, diary
Almas Souls
Aluno Student, pupil
Antena Aerial, antenna,
Antena parabólica Satellite dish
Assalto Robbery
Atender (o telefone) Answer (the phone)
Atirar Shoot
Advogado Lawyer
Balança Scale
Balcão Counter
Braços Arms
Bife Steak
Cargo Post, position
Casul Accidentar
Chefe Chief, boss
China (país) China
Cigarro Cigarette
Colar (substantivo) Necklace
Colar (verbo) Glue
Colégio High School
Compreensivo Understanding
Convicto Sure, certain, positive
Curso Course
Diário (substantivo) Diary, daily (noun)
Decepção Disappointment
Degrau Step
Dente Tooth
Diretoria Board of directors
Desgosto Sorrw, annoyance
Doze Twelve
Educação (boas maneiras)/td> Politeness
Enrolar Toroll
Estado State, condition
Estimar, gostar Esteem, like
Eventualmente Occasionaly
Êxito Success
Esquisito Weird, odd, strange
Fábrica Plant, factory
Fato Fact, event, hapening
Figura Picture
Fila Line, queue
Gema (ovo) Yolk
Gratuito Free
Gripe Influenza (flu), reclamar continuamente
Azar Bad luck
Hóspede Guest
Hóspede Guest
Idioma Language
Ingênuo Naive
Largo Broad, wide
Leitura Reading
Livraria Bookstore, bookshop
Lanche Snack
Máscara Mask
Matar to kill
Miserável (Pão duro) Mean
Moto Motorcycle
Fazer um pedido (compra) To order
Parentes Relatives
Particlar Private
Passagem Tichet
Pasta Dental Toothpaste
Pasta (Papéis) Folder
Pensão, pousada Inn
Polícia Police
Prejuízo Damage, loss
Preservativo Condom
Pretender Intend
Pusar pull
Realizar Accomplish
Recipiente Container
Regimente alimentar Diet
resumir Summarize, sum up
Rim Kidney
Roubar Seal
Roubo Theft
Sensível Sensitive
Chutar kick
Assinar (Revista) Subscribe
Assinatura (Jornal) Subscription
Smoking (roupa formal) Tuxedo
Sorte Luck
Espetáculo Shows, concerts
Subúrbios Outskirts, slums
Suportar Stand, bear, put up with
Sílaba Syllable
Simpático Nice
Taxa Fee
Tentar Try, attempt
Tosse, tossir Cough, to cough
Vinho Wine

Gospel Life

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quinta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2023

What the idea of the phrase: "Don't take our word for it. Take theirs."

What the idea of the phrase: "Don't take our word for it. Take theirs."

The phrase "Don't take our word for it. Take theirs." is often used as a persuasive or marketing message. It suggests that instead of relying on the claims or statements made by a particular person or organization (referred to as "our" in the phrase), you should rely on the opinions, experiences, or testimonials of others (referred to as "theirs").

This phrase is typically used when a person or company wants to emphasize the credibility and trustworthiness of independent third parties who have had direct experience with a product, service, or situation. It implies that these third-party perspectives are more reliable and unbiased than the claims made by the person or organization promoting something. Essentially, it encourages you to seek out and consider the opinions or evidence provided by those who have no vested interest in convincing you of something.

In marketing, this phrase can be used to highlight positive reviews, endorsements, or testimonials from satisfied customers or experts to build trust and credibility in what is being promoted. It's a way to suggest that you should make an informed decision by relying on the experiences and judgments of others rather than just accepting the seller's or promoter's claims at face value.

Qual a idéia da frase: "Não acredite apenas em nossa palavra. Acredite na deles"

A frase "Não acredite apenas em nossa palavra. Acredite na deles." é frequentemente usada como uma mensagem persuasiva ou de marketing. Ela sugere que, em vez de confiar nas afirmações ou declarações feitas por uma pessoa ou organização específica (referida como "nossa" na frase), você deve confiar nas opiniões, experiências ou depoimentos de outros (referidos como "deles").

Essa frase é geralmente usada quando uma pessoa ou empresa deseja enfatizar a credibilidade e a confiabilidade de terceiros independentes que tiveram uma experiência direta com um produto, serviço ou situação. Ela implica que as perspectivas desses terceiros são mais confiáveis e imparciais do que as alegações feitas pela pessoa ou organização que está promovendo algo. Essencialmente, ela o encoraja a procurar e considerar as opiniões ou evidências fornecidas por aqueles que não têm interesse pessoal em convencê-lo de algo.

No marketing, essa frase pode ser usada para destacar avaliações positivas, endossos ou depoimentos de clientes satisfeitos ou especialistas para construir confiança e credibilidade no que está sendo promovido. É uma maneira de sugerir que você deve tomar uma decisão informada, confiando nas experiências e julgamentos de outras pessoas, em vez de apenas aceitar as alegações do vendedor ou promotor sem questionar.

Inglês Português BR
To takePegar
To take awayTirar
To take offDecolar
To take offenceOfender-se
To take off shoesTirar os sapatos

Gospel Life

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sexta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2023

Small fish, big fish

Small fish, big fish

The phrase "small fish, big fish" is often used figuratively to describe a hierarchy or a distinction between individuals or entities based on their size, importance, or influence. Here are a few common ways this phrase might be used:

Hierarchy: In a corporate or organizational context, it can refer to the distinction between lower-level employees (small fish) and higher-ranking executives or decision-makers (big fish). For example, "I'm just a small fish in this company; I don't have much influence."

Competitive Advantage: In a competitive situation, it can refer to the difference in size or strength between competitors. For instance, "In this market, the big fish dominate the industry, while the small fish struggle to survive."

Importance: It can also be used to highlight the varying degrees of importance or significance of different issues or matters. For example, "Compared to the larger problems we're facing, this is just a small fish."

Influence: In politics or social settings, it can refer to individuals or groups with varying levels of power or influence. "When it comes to making decisions, the small fish rarely have a say."

Overall, the phrase is flexible and used metaphorically to describe disparities in size, significance, influence, or importance between different entities or individuals. The specific meaning can vary depending on the context in which it's used.

sábado, 23 de setembro de 2023

Explain the difference between Figth and Fligth

Explain the difference between Figth and Fligth

The words "fight" and "flight" are two distinct terms that are often used in psychology and physiology to describe different responses to a perceived threat or stressful situation. Here's an explanation of each term and the difference between them:

Definition: "Fight" refers to one of the two primary responses in the "fight or flight" response, also known as the acute stress response. It is a natural and instinctual reaction to a threat or danger.
Response: When an individual chooses the "fight" response, they are psychologically and physiologically preparing themselves to confront the threat head-on. This can involve physical aggression or a determined effort to face and overcome the danger or challenge./br> Physiological Changes: During the "fight" response, the body releases adrenaline and other stress hormones. This leads to increased heart rate, heightened alertness, improved physical strength and endurance, and other changes that prepare the individual to confront the threat.

Definition: "Flight" is the other primary response in the "fight or flight" response.
Response: When someone chooses the "flight" response, they are opting to escape or avoid the threat instead of confronting it directly. This response is characterized by a strong urge to flee or get away from the source of danger.
Physiological Changes: During the "flight" response, similar physiological changes occur as in the "fight" response. Adrenaline is released, heart rate increases, and the body gears up for quick action, but in this case, it's for the purpose of escaping rather than fighting.

In summary, the main difference between "fight" and "flight" lies in the response to a perceived threat. "Fight" involves confronting the threat directly with the intent to overcome it, while "flight" involves escaping or avoiding the threat altogether. These responses are part of the body's natural defense mechanisms and can vary depending on the individual, the situation, and their instinctual reactions to stress or danger.

Show 20 examples about fight and flight

10 examples of situations or scenarios that illustrate the "fight" response and 10 examples that illustrate the "flight" response:

Fight Response:

Self-defense: When someone tries to physically protect themselves from an attacker.
Argument: Engaging in a heated verbal dispute to stand one's ground in a disagreement.
Confronting a bully: Facing a bully to stop their intimidating behavior.
Competitive sports: Athletes competing vigorously to win a game or match.
Union strike: Workers collectively demanding better working conditions from their employer.
Defending one's beliefs: Engaging in a debate or discussion to uphold personal convictions.
Political activism: Advocating for change by participating in protests or demonstrations.
Parent protecting a child: A parent shielding their child from harm or danger.
Legal battles: Lawyers advocating for their clients in court during a legal dispute.
Fighting an illness: The immune system actively combating an infection in the body.

Flight Response:

Evading danger: Running away from a wild animal to avoid an attack.
Avoiding a confrontation: Leaving a situation where a fight or argument is escalating.
Escaping a burning building: Fleeing a dangerous environment to ensure safety.
Avoiding a difficult conversation: Choosing to postpone a challenging discussion to avoid conflict.
Evasive driving: Swiftly changing lanes or driving away to avoid a collision.
Running from a threatening situation: Leaving a dangerous neighborhood or situation.
Getting out of a toxic relationship: Ending a harmful relationship to protect one's emotional well-being.
Withdrawing from a stressful job: Quitting a job that is causing severe stress or burnout.
Avoiding financial risk: Selling stocks before a market crash to protect investments.
Flight response in animals: A deer fleeing when it detects a predator nearby.

These examples demonstrate how individuals and even animals can respond with either the "fight" or "flight" reaction depending on the circumstances and their natural instincts for self-preservation.

segunda-feira, 18 de setembro de 2023



The term "blow" can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are some of the most common meanings:

To exert force by expelling air: When you blow, you expel air from your mouth or another opening, often forcefully. This can be used to cool something hot, make a musical instrument produce sound, or blow out candles on a birthday cake.

To strike with force: In a physical sense, "blow" can refer to a strike or impact, such as a punch or a blow from a hammer.

To cause to move or sway: In a figurative sense, "blow" can mean to cause something to move or sway, like blowing wind making tree branches sway.

To squander or waste: In slang, "blow" can also mean to squander or waste something, often referring to money or an opportunity. For example, "He blew all his savings on a vacation."

To fail or make a mistake: Similarly, "blow" can be used to describe a situation where someone fails or makes a significant mistake, as in "He blew the presentation."

To inhale drugs: In the context of drug use, "blow" is sometimes used as slang for inhaling cocaine.

The specific meaning of "blow" in a sentence depends on the surrounding context and how it's used in that particular situation. If you have a specific sentence or context you'd like me to explain, please provide more details, and I'll do my best to help.

Show 20 examples with the word blow

20 examples of sentences using the word "blow" in different contexts:

The wind began to blow fiercely, bending the trees.
She gave the birthday candles a gentle blow, and they all went out.
He delivered a powerful blow to the punching bag during his workout.
The boxer was knocked out with a single blow to the jaw.
The storm was so strong that it could blow the roof off the house.
She blew on her soup to cool it down before taking a sip.
The referee blew the whistle to stop the soccer match.
The sudden gust of wind almost blew my hat away.
The explosion was so powerful that it could blow out windows.
He felt a sense of relief when he finally blew the dust off his old books.
She couldn't resist blowing bubbles with her chewing gum.
The musician can blow into the saxophone and create beautiful melodies.
The detective knew he had to blow the case wide open with new evidence.
His reckless spending habits would eventually blow through his savings.
The team was devastated when they blew a crucial play in the game.
The whistle blew, signaling the start of the race.
The cold weather made her fingers numb when she blew on them.
When he opened the door, a strong gust of wind blew through the room.
The young child learned how to blow a kiss to his grandmother.
The car's engine started to make strange noises, and black smoke began to blow from the exhaust.

These sentences demonstrate various uses of the word "blow" in different contexts, including weather, physical actions, sound production, and more.

quinta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2023

It's gonna be

It's gonna be

"It's gonna be" is the beginning of a phrase or sentence, but it's not clear what you're referring to or what you'd like to know or discuss. This requires an add-on.
"Vai ser" é o início de uma frase ou sentença, mas não está claro a que você está se referindo ou o que gostaria de saber ou discutir. Isto requer um complemento.

It's gonna be amazing
Vai ser incrível

It's gonna be a beautiful day at the beach.
Vai ser um lindo dia na praia.

It's gonna be an exciting concert tonight.
Vai ser um concerto emocionante esta noite.

It's gonna be a challenging project to complete.
Vai ser um projeto desafiador de concluir.

It's gonna be a long journey, so make sure you're prepared.
Vai ser uma jornada longa, então certifique-se de estar preparado.

It's gonna be a delicious dinner with all your favorite dishes.
Vai ser um jantar delicioso com todos os seus pratos favoritos.

It's gonna be a tough decision to make, but we'll figure it out.
Vai ser uma decisão difícil de tomar, mas vamos descobrir.

It's gonna be a fantastic year filled with opportunities.
Vai ser um ano fantástico cheio de oportunidades.

It's gonna be a memorable trip to remember forever.
Vai ser uma viagem memorável para lembrar para sempre.

It's gonna be an interesting book once you start reading it.
Vai ser um livro interessante quando você começar a lê-lo.

It's gonna be a successful event if we work together as a team.
Vai ser um evento de sucesso se trabalharmos juntos como uma equipe.

Inglês Português BR

Gospel Life

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segunda-feira, 11 de setembro de 2023

What is the mean of shelter?

What is the mean of shelter?

The term "shelter" can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In general, "shelter" refers to a place or structure that provides protection, safety, or a place of refuge from various elements or dangers. It can encompass a wide range of meanings, including:

Housing for people: Shelter can refer to a place where individuals or families live, such as houses, apartments, or other types of dwelling units. In this context, "mean" would not typically apply, as shelter is not a numerical quantity. Protection from the elements: Shelter can also refer to a structure or location that protects people or animals from adverse weather conditions, such as rain, wind, cold, or heat. Emergency shelter: In humanitarian and disaster relief contexts, shelter may refer to temporary accommodations provided to individuals or families who have been displaced by natural disasters, conflict, or other emergencies. The "mean" of such shelters would depend on factors like the number of people accommodated, the duration of stay, and the resources provided. Animal shelters: Shelter can also refer to facilities that house and care for animals, particularly stray or abandoned pets. The "mean" in this context would not typically apply, as it's not a numerical value. If you have a specific question or context in mind related to shelter, please provide more details so I can offer a more specific answer. Examples of how the word "shelter" can be used in various contexts:
  1. Housing for People: "They were grateful to find shelter from the rain in a small roadside hut." "Many families in the city struggle to find affordable shelter."
  2. Protection from the Elements: "The cave provided shelter from the harsh desert sun." "We need to build a shelter to protect ourselves from the incoming storm."
  3. Emergency Shelter: "After the earthquake, relief organizations set up temporary shelters for the displaced residents." "The Red Cross provided shelter, food, and medical care to those affected by the disaster."
  4. Animal Shelters: "She adopted her dog from the local animal shelter." "The animal shelter is looking for volunteers to help care for the cats and dogs."
  5. Figurative Use:
  6. "Books were his shelter from the troubles of the world." "Her friends provided emotional shelter and support during her difficult times."

These examples illustrate the diverse ways in which the word "shelter" can be used to refer to physical structures, protection, and even metaphorical concepts of safety and refuge.