Neste blog colecionaremos frases de pessoas famosas e frases de áreas específicas como: Informatica, web, IA e outas ciências. O Objetivo é facilitar o entendimento nas mais diversas áreas. Claro que o site pode ser todo traduzido para o português. Mas a tradução lado a lado facilita a absorção de novas palavras, o que aumentaria o vocabulário.
Believe and take advantage of opportunities Acredite e aproveite as oportunidades
"Believe you can and you're halfway there."
"Acredite que você pode e você está a meio caminho do sucesso."
"Turn every challenge into an opportunity for growth and every obstacle into a step toward success. You are stronger than you imagine!"
"Transforme cada desafio em uma oportunidade de crescimento e cada obstáculo em um degrau para o sucesso. Você é mais forte do que imagina!"
"Whether" and "if" are both conjunctions used to introduce conditional clauses, but they are used in slightly different contexts.
Whether: "Whether" is used when presenting two or more alternatives or possibilities. It implies a sense of choice or uncertainty between options.
If: "If" is used to introduce a conditional clause, indicating a condition that must be met for something else to happen.
Here's a breakdown with examples
Whether: This is used when you're talking about two or more alternatives, often implying a sense of choice or uncertainty.
Example: "I'm unsure whether I should go to the party or stay home and study." (Here, there are two options: going to the party or staying home to study.)
If: This is used to introduce a condition upon which something depends.
Example: "If it rains tomorrow, we will have to cancel the picnic." (Here, the picnic depends on whether it rains tomorrow. "If" introduces the condition of rain.)
In summary, "whether" presents alternatives or possibilities, while "if" introduces a condition that must be met for something else to occur.
Mais exemplos
I don't know whether I'll travel next holiday.
Não sei se viajarei nas próximas férias.
She asked me whether I’m going out next weekend.
Ela me perguntou se eu vou sair no próximo fim de semana.
I’ll go to the wedding if you let me borrow a pair of shoes.
Eu vou ao casamento se você me emprestar um par de sapatos.
Did you know that the termites have been around since the time of the dinosaurs?
Você sabia? Cupins existem desde a época dos dinossauros?
Dampwood termites
Dampwood termites are normally the biggest species of termites! With these types of termites, the colonies don’t have workers. Younger termites, called nymphs or "false workers" do all the work for the colony. This work includes taking care of the queen and king as well as feeding the older, solider termites.
Os cupins de madeira úmida são normalmente as maiores espécies de cupins! Com esses tipos de cupins, as colônias não têm operárias. Os cupins mais jovens, chamados de ninfas ou “falsos trabalhadores” fazem todo o trabalho para a colônia. Este trabalho inclui cuidar da rainha e do rei, bem como alimentar os cupins mais velhos e soldados.
Drywood Termites
Drywood termites form colonies of up to 2,500 members. Like dampwood termites, drywood termite colonies don’t have workers. Younger termites, called “false workers,” do all the work for the colony.
Unlike other termites, Drywood termites do not build their colonies underground. They like to live inside the wood that they eat. You could call that easy access to the kitchen.
Os cupins de madeira seca formam colônias de até 2.500 membros. Assim como os cupins de madeira úmida, as colônias de cupins de madeira seca não têm operárias. Os cupins mais jovens, chamados de “falsos trabalhadores”, fazem todo o trabalho para a colônia.
Ao contrário de outros cupins, os cupins de madeira seca não constroem suas colônias no subsolo. Gostam de viver dentro da madeira que comem. Você poderia chamar isso de acesso fácil à cozinha.
To heat wine or beer with added sugar and spices.
Para aquecer vinho ou cerveja com adição de açúcar e especiarias
Have you ever tried mulling cider?
Você já tentou vinho quente de sidra?
It is very good on this type of thing and on mulling over the problems that may arise.
É muito bom nesse tipo de coisa e em refletir sobre os problemas que podem surgir.
Explain the meaning of the word strike.
Give examples by analyzing the terms of the sentence
The word "strike" can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are a few common interpretations:
Physical Impact or Hit:
Impacto Físico ou Golpe
Example: "He delivered a powerful strike to the punching bag." Ele deu um golpe poderoso no saco de pancadas. Analysis: In this context, "strike" refers to a forceful and direct hit or impact, often used in sports or physical activities.
Work Stoppage:
Parada de Trabalho - Greve
Example: "
The workers decided to go on strike to demand better wages." Os trabalhadores decidiram entrar em greve para exigir melhores salários. Analysis: Here, "strike" refers to a collective action taken by workers who stop working in protest against workplace conditions, often in pursuit of improved wages, benefits, or working conditions.
Military Attack:
Ataque Militar
Example: "The army planned a surprise strike on the enemy's position." O exército planejou um ataque surpresa à posição inimiga. Analysis: In this case, "strike" refers to a planned and aggressive military attack or assault on an opponent or target.
Lighting a Match or Fire:
Acendendo um fósforo ou fogo
Example: "She tried to strike a match to light the candles." Ela tentou riscar um fósforo para acender as velas. Analysis: In this context, "strike" means to create a spark by rubbing a match against a rough surface, initiating the combustion necessary for lighting a fire.
Remove or Omit:
Remover ou omitir
Example: "Let's strike that paragraph from the report; it's not relevant." Vamos eliminar esse parágrafo do relatório; não é relevante. Analysis: In this usage, "strike" means to remove or eliminate, often in the context of editing or revising written content.
Discover or Realize:
Descobrir ou Realizar
Example: "It struck me that I had forgotten my keys at home." Ocorreu-me que tinha esquecido as chaves em casa. Analysis: Here, "strike" is used to convey the sudden realization or discovery of something, often accompanied by a sense of surprise or understanding.
Hitting a Musical Instrument:
Bater em um instrumento musical
Example: "She began to strike the keys of the piano with precision." Ela começou a tocar as teclas do piano com precisão. Analysis: In this musical context, "strike" means to hit or play the keys of a musical instrument, like a piano or a drum, producing sound.
These examples illustrate the versatility of the word "strike" and how its meaning can vary depending on the context in which it is used.