segunda-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2024



Explain the meaning of the word strike. Give examples by analyzing the terms of the sentence

The word "strike" can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are a few common interpretations:

  1. Physical Impact or Hit:

    Impacto Físico ou Golpe
    "He delivered a powerful strike to the punching bag."
    Ele deu um golpe poderoso no saco de pancadas.
    In this context, "strike" refers to a forceful and direct hit or impact, often used in sports or physical activities.

  2. Work Stoppage:

    Parada de Trabalho - Greve
    " The workers decided to go on strike to demand better wages."
    Os trabalhadores decidiram entrar em greve para exigir melhores salários.
    Here, "strike" refers to a collective action taken by workers who stop working in protest against workplace conditions, often in pursuit of improved wages, benefits, or working conditions.

  3. Military Attack:

    Ataque Militar
    "The army planned a surprise strike on the enemy's position."
    O exército planejou um ataque surpresa à posição inimiga.
    In this case, "strike" refers to a planned and aggressive military attack or assault on an opponent or target.

  4. Lighting a Match or Fire:

    Acendendo um fósforo ou fogo
    "She tried to strike a match to light the candles."
    Ela tentou riscar um fósforo para acender as velas.
    In this context, "strike" means to create a spark by rubbing a match against a rough surface, initiating the combustion necessary for lighting a fire.

  5. Remove or Omit:

    Remover ou omitir
    "Let's strike that paragraph from the report; it's not relevant."
    Vamos eliminar esse parágrafo do relatório; não é relevante.
    In this usage, "strike" means to remove or eliminate, often in the context of editing or revising written content.

  6. Discover or Realize:

    Descobrir ou Realizar
    "It struck me that I had forgotten my keys at home."
    Ocorreu-me que tinha esquecido as chaves em casa.
    Here, "strike" is used to convey the sudden realization or discovery of something, often accompanied by a sense of surprise or understanding.

  7. Hitting a Musical Instrument:

    Bater em um instrumento musical
    "She began to strike the keys of the piano with precision."
    Ela começou a tocar as teclas do piano com precisão.
    In this musical context, "strike" means to hit or play the keys of a musical instrument, like a piano or a drum, producing sound.

These examples illustrate the versatility of the word "strike" and how its meaning can vary depending on the context in which it is used.

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