terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2025

The news letter today - 2024Jan7

A notícia de hoje - 7Jan2024

The focus for today's newsletter is on environmental, social and governance (ESG) policy rollbacks at U.S. companies as boardromns cut back on diversity, white Wall Street banks leave on of the world's top banking sector climate colitions.

O foco do boletim informativo de hoje está nas reversões nas políticas ambientais, sociais e de governança (ESG) nas empresas dos EUA, à medida que os conselhos de administração reduzem a diversidade e os bancos brancos de Wall Street deixam uma das principais colisões climáticas do setor bancário do mundo.

Boardroom diversity stalls in the face of conservative backlash.
Diversidade nas salas de reuniões estagna diante da reação conservadora



  • Rollback: (Noun)Plural: Rollacks.
    1. North American: a reduction or decrease (uma redução ou diminuição). Example: "a 5 percent rollback of personal income taxes" (“uma redução de 5 por cento do imposto de renda pessoal”)
    2. Computing: The process of restoring a database or program to a previously definede state, tipically to recover from an error.

More Examples

  1. They do not want to see any rollback of this agreement.
  2. They appear to be agitating for a roll-back of democracy.
  3. There has never been a rollback to a previous version.


  1. Eles não querem ver qualquer reversão deste acordo.
  2. Eles parecem estar agitando por uma reversão da democracia.
  3. Nunca houve uma reversão para uma versão anterior.

sábado, 22 de junho de 2024

What is difference between Have and has?

What is difference between Have and Has?

"Have" and "has" are both forms of the verb "to have," which means to possess, own, or hold something. The main difference between "have" and "has" lies in their use with different subjects in a sentence.


  • Used with the following subjects:
    • I
    • You
    • We
    • They
    • Plural nouns


  • I have a car.
  • You have a meeting today.
  • We have a problem.
  • They have many friends.
  • The dogs have collars.


  • Used with the following subjects:
    • He
    • She
    • It
    • Singular nouns


  • He has a new job.
  • She has a cat.
  • It has a blue color.
  • The dog has a leash.


  • Use "have" with I, you, we, they, and plural nouns.
  • Use "has" with he, she, it, and singular nouns.


  • Own: Ter, próprio, pessoal
  • Hold: Segurar
  • Main: Principal
  • Main difference: Principal diferença
  • Lies: Mentiras
  • Leash: Coleira

sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2024

What is the difference between floor and ground

What is the difference between floor and ground

The terms "floor" and "ground" are often used interchangeably but have distinct meanings depending on the context.

  1. Floor:

    • Refers to the surface of a room or building where people walk. It can be made of various materials like wood, carpet, or tile.
    • Example: "She cleaned the kitchen floor."
  2. Ground:

    • Refers to the earth's surface or soil, typically outside.
    • Example: "He planted flowers in the ground."

Contextual Usage

  • Floor: Used indoors, within buildings.
  • Ground: Used outdoors, referring to natural terrain or land.

Both terms can sometimes overlap, such as in the phrase "ground floor," which means the floor level at ground level in a building.

Quadro comparativo - Comparative board

Quadro comparativo - Comparative board
Floor Ground
Floor refers to the surface inside a building where people walk Ground refers to the surface of the earth outside, including soil, grass, or pavement.
"Forest floor" refers to the ground or surface beneath the trees in a forest. It typically includes the soil, fallen leaves, branches, and other organic matter that accumulates on the ground within a forested area. The term "forest floor" is commonly used to describe the ecosystem and habitat at ground level within a forest. Relacionados
Ground: Chão
Groundhog: Marmota
Ground floor: Térreo
Floor refers to the interior side or surface of a building Ground refers to the outdoor areas

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segunda-feira, 17 de junho de 2024

Mind your manners - Cuidado com suas maneiras

Mind your manners
Cuidado com suas maneiras

Mind your Ps and Qs is an English language expression meaning "mind your manners", "mind your language", "be on your best behaviour", or "watch what you're doing".

Cuidado com seus Ps e Qs é uma expressão da língua inglesa que significa "cuide de suas maneiras", "cuide de sua linguagem", "comporte-se da melhor maneira" ou "cuidado com o que você está fazendo".

Exemplos de uso in Phrases

  1. We knew to mind our p's and q's around our aunt.
    (Nós sabíamos que devemos cuidar de nossos p's e q's perto de nossa tia.)

Veja também

  1. Gospel Life

sábado, 15 de junho de 2024

Qual a diferença entre Achieve Reach?

Qual a diferença entre Achieve Reach?

As palavras "achieve" e "reach" são frequentemente usadas de forma intercambiável, mas têm nuances diferentes. Vamos explorar essas diferenças:

  1. Achieve:

    • Significado: "Achieve" implica alcançar algo através de esforço, habilidade ou coragem. Está relacionado a completar uma tarefa ou objetivo com sucesso.
    • Exemplo em inglês: "She achieved her goal of becoming a doctor."
    • Tradução: "Ela alcançou seu objetivo de se tornar médica."
    • Português: Implica que foi necessário esforço, habilidade ou determinação para alcançar algo.
  2. Reach:

    • Significado: "Reach" geralmente se refere a chegar a um destino ou ponto específico. Pode ser físico (chegar a um lugar) ou abstrato (alcançar um nível ou meta).
    • Exemplo em inglês: "He reached the top of the mountain."
    • Tradução: "Ele chegou ao topo da montanha."
    • Português: Pode se referir a alcançar fisicamente um local ou atingir um nível ou estado.

Resumo das Diferenças:

  • Achieve: Foca no sucesso em realizar uma tarefa ou objetivo que requer esforço.

    • Exemplos adicionais: "Achieve success" (alcançar sucesso), "achieve a milestone" (alcançar um marco).
  • Reach: Foca no ato de chegar a um destino, nível ou ponto.

    • Exemplos adicionais: "Reach the finish line" (chegar à linha de chegada), "reach an agreement" (chegar a um acordo).

Traduções e Exemplos Adicionais:

  • Achieve:

    • Tradução: Alcançar, realizar.
    • Exemplo em inglês: "They achieved their dream of traveling the world."
    • Tradução: "Eles realizaram o sonho de viajar pelo mundo."
  • Reach:

    • Tradução: Chegar, alcançar.
    • Exemplo em inglês: "We finally reached our destination after a long journey."
    • Tradução: "Finalmente chegamos ao nosso destino após uma longa viagem."

Em resumo, "achieve" é mais sobre o processo e esforço para realizar algo, enquanto "reach" é mais sobre o ato de chegar a um ponto ou destino.

Veja também

  1. Goslpel Life
  2. Partido Virtual Brasil
  3. Educando o Brasil
  4. Informática
  5. Minha Leitura Bíblica Diária

quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2024

Difference between "that" and "than"

Difference between "that" and "than"

The words "that" and "than" are often confused because they sound somewhat similar, but they have very different meanings and uses in English. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between the two:


Part of Speech:: Pronoun, conjunction, determiner, or adverb


  1. Relative Pronoun: Used to introduce a defining clause.

    • Example: "The book that you lent me was fascinating."
  2. Conjunction: Used to introduce a clause that provides further information.

    • Example: "He said that he would come."
  3. Determiner: Used to indicate a specific thing or person.

    • Example: "That car is mine."
  4. Adverb: Used for emphasis.

    • Example: "I didn't know it was that difficult."


Part of Speech: Conjunction or preposition


  1. Conjunction: Used to introduce the second element in a comparison.
    • Example: "She is taller than her brother."
  2. Preposition: Used in a comparison involving quantities or degrees.
    • Example: "He has more experience than me."

Key Differences

  • Function: "That" is multifunctional (pronoun, conjunction, determiner, adverb), while "than" is used strictly for comparisons (conjunction, preposition).
  • Usage Context: "That" introduces clauses, specifies things or persons, and emphasizes; "than" introduces a comparison.

Examples in Sentences

  • That:

    • "The cat that you saw was a stray." (relative pronoun)
    • "I hope that you will join us." (conjunction)
    • "That movie was really good." (determiner)
    • "I didn't realize it was that far." (adverb)
  • Than:

    • "She is smarter than her peers." (conjunction)
    • "He can run faster than I can." (preposition)
  • Mnemonic to Remember

    • "That" contains an "a" and is versatile in its use, similar to "a" in "all-rounder."
    • "Than" contains an "a" and is used in comparisons.

    Understanding the different roles these words play in sentences can help you use them correctly.

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